Romanian private detective agency about sentimental crooks

Are you lonely and looking for a relationship on the internet? You should know that dating sites, webchat sites and internet relationships, in general, pose a great risk of running into sentimental crooks and becoming the victim of an internet scam. If you suspect that you are already the victim of such a person, then you should waste no time and do a check on that particular person. Sending money and other goods without knowing if the person asking is actually telling the truth is a waste of  your time and resources. For a minimum investment, our licensed Romanian private detectives can shed light into your internet relationship. By knowing details like : marital status, criminal record and so on, the risk of becoming or remaining the victim of a sentimental crook decreases dramatically. The confidentiality of the cases is guaranteed by the 329/2003 Romanian Private Detective law and also by the fact that our agency is registered as a private data operator   according to the 677/2001 and 506/2004 private data operator laws.